The Akashic Records

The Akashic Records are a multi-dimensional library of pure energy and light beyond time and space. The Records contain an energetic imprint of everything that has happened up to this point, as well as the possibilities of what is to come, including all your past lives, your choices, your influences and actions. The dimension where the Akashic Records exists is also the place where your soul exists. And what is exciting is that you can reconnect with your soul through the Akashic Records.

Akasha is a Sanskrit word meaning ether or primordial substance from which all things are made.  It surrounds us and flows through us. And so the Akashic Records exists all around us right now.

In the past and in ancient religions, the Akashic Records have been referred to as the Book of Life or Infinite Wisdom. This vast resource of information is kept and maintained by the Akashic Records Masters and Guides, whom we can call upon for assistance in accessing information and guidance.  With your permission, we can access your Akashic Records together to support you to transform past traumas, lift pain and past issues, and find a higher expression for your life.

Your Guides are waiting to connect with you more directly.  If you feel called to find out more about your infinite Akashic Records, please schedule an appointment today. Your team of Guides and Beings of Light are waiting for you.

Support your healing journey back to your SOUL with the Akashic Records.

  • Discover your Soul Gifts so you can live your Soul Purposes
  • Learn about Past Lives and reclaim past talents or clear blocks and challenging circumstances
  • Learn what works best for you to Manifest Abundance
  • Know who you are on a Soul Level
  • Discover what’s underneath relationships and their dynamics
  • Meet your Guides and learn how to access your own Records to get answers daily
  • Get support to accomplish your goals (e.g. Authors writing with their Akashic Guides to unlock ease and inspired storytelling.)
  • And so much more…


How to Work with Suara


New Moon Journals

Monthly New Moon Journals will guide you through the flow of energies accompanied by each New Moon and Full Moon. Each month invites new energies to take action or go within. Check out these beautiful journals to find out which, and maneuver each moon cycle with mastery.

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